What is the ground-breaking ceremony? Plan to organize this professional event

Holding a ground-breaking ceremony has an important meaning, marking the birth and development of a construction project. Besides, this event also has a spiritual meaning: praying for peace and smooth sailing. So how do you organize this event professionally? Refer to HoaBinh Events’s article below for answers.

What is the ground-breaking ceremony?

A ground-breaking ceremony is a ceremony held before starting the construction of a project. For Asians in general and Vietnamese people in particular, spirituality is an important factor that is focused on and done carefully before starting any work: building a house, school, or common project settlement,…

That’s why, no matter how big or small it is, it has an impact on the Earth Land—the Land Gong, who rules over that land. Therefore, the ground-breaking ceremony often puts spiritual factors first to ask for permission from the god in charge of this land to allow the work carried out on this land to be successful, lucky, and favorable.

In addition to the spiritual element, the ground-breaking ceremony is also an event for businesses to affirm their strength, scale, and thoughtfulness to partners, potential customers, and the public. Being methodical and professional in organizing a ground-breaking event is an effective way to show professionalism and increase brand value.

In fact, many people still confuse the ground-breaking ceremony with the inauguration ceremony. Basically, both of these events mark an important milestone for a project. However, the ground-breaking ceremony is held when the enterprise prepares to build the project, while the inauguration ceremony is held after the project is completed and ready to go into operation. The organization of these two programs is similar; both have a spiritual meaning, which is to declare the local gods and pray for smooth work and good luck.

What does it take to organize a ground-breaking ceremony?

To hold a ground-breaking ceremony, you need careful and thoughtful preparation. Here are the things to prepare before organizing this important event:

1. Budget

The budget for organizing a ground-breaking ceremony event is the first important factor that every time an event is organized, businesses always need to prepare. Because, without a budget, the event cannot be implemented. Especially with important events such as the ground-breaking ceremony, budget preparation becomes even more important. 

From the existing budget, in accordance with the financial capacity of the business, the department is responsible for disaggregation, dividing, and estimating amounts of money in the most reasonable way. Also, from this budget source, the event organization department can easily determine the event scale.

2. Search for event organization services

It is not surprising that during ground-breaking ceremonies, project contractors and business owners are willing to spend money to find outsource event organizers. Accordingly, this event has an important meaning, affecting reputation and acting as a major ceremony to ask permission from the local gods. Therefore, it is impossible to organize events in a sketchy and unprofessional way.

And, the safest solution is to find a professional event organization service provider. Professional event organizers gather experienced and skilled personnel in the event organization process. They understand how an event operates, know what elements a basic event program will need. Therefore, the implemented activities will be simpler but more effective.

In addition, the cost of hiring a full ground-breaking ceremony service package from professional event organizers will help businesses save maximum costs and resources. When you don’t have much experience organizing events, you will need to spend a lot of time finding and renting services: stage, backdrop design, standees, tables and chairs, decoration, entertainment, etc. 

Moreover, you also need a plan for self-organization, supervision, etc. In case of unreasonable calculations due to lack of experience in organizing events, the cost of organizing the event will accidentally be higher and more expensive than expected initial. Therefore, instead of self-organizing, outsourcing organization services is still the most optimal solution.

3. Apply for an organization license

When organizing events, especially large-scale outdoor events, businesses need to apply for an organization license from relevant agencies such as: local authorities, Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism. calendar, foreign trade department, etc. Depending on the form of event organization, you need to submit the license to the correct agency.

Besides, applying for a license to organize an event also needs to be done as soon as possible because the licensing procedures are quite complicated and the waiting time is long. In case the relevant agency has not responded by the date of the organization, the groundbreaking ceremony will not be able to take place.

Below are some cases of fines related to applying for a license:

  • Do not send documents or papers to agencies or departments
  • Failure to notify, sending notification late or sending notification without relevant documents
  • Send notice but lack information such as: name, contact address, project name, construction location, project scale, expected construction progress,…

4. Prepare the offering tray to start construction

The ground-breaking ceremony has a meaning as an event to ask permission and declare to the Gods, Earth Gods, and Earth Gods to build and develop the project smoothly and conveniently on this land. Therefore, before holding the event, a ground-breaking ceremony will be performed to offer to the gods who govern this land. Below are details about the offerings that need to be prepared for it:

  • A set of triplets used specifically to worship the God of Wealth and Earth
  • Gold coins are offered to the God of Wealth and Earth
  • Gold coins are offered to sentient beings and spirits
  • White wine bottle
  • A big bouquet of flowers
  • Packets of medicine, ounces of tea
  • 1 bowl of rice
  • 1 plate of salt
  • Whole boiled chicken
  • 1 plate of sticky rice
  • 1 banh chung
  • 1 bowl of filtered water
  • 5 pairs of betel and areca nuts
  • 1 tray of five fruits (fresh fruits, avoid thorny fruits)
  • 9 bright red roses

Plan to organize the ground-breaking ceremony

1. Develop script ideas

Every project owner and business when organizing an event wants the event to carry the color and spirit of that business in order to create its own mark and difference, thereby impressing investors and partners. partners and potential customers.

Besides, the ground-breaking ceremony scenario idea also needs to be clear, coherent, and scientific with 3 different types of scenarios: Overview timeline scenario, MC scenario, and technical scenario:

  • Timeline scenario: for all departments. This type of scenario helps everyone in the team understand the activities that will take place during the organization and implementation of the event.
  • MC script: dedicated to the MC and content department, helping the MC express fluently and fluently when hosting the program.
  • Technical script: For the sound – lighting and logistics technical team, helping everyone know their tasks to organize a complete and successful event.

2. Determine the organization time

Event timing is determined based on many factors. However, among them, the most important factor to consider is the spiritual factor. Next is the weather, weekends, etc. Regarding choosing a date based on spiritual factors, auspicious days and months will help everything go smoothly and conveniently. According to the Five Elements, choosing the date and time to start the ceremony is extremely important.

You should choose good days such as Zodiac, Vitality, Loc Ma, and God and avoid organizing on bad days: Black Dao, Assassin, Forbidden Earth, Duong Mourning, Hung Phu. Besides choosing a date, you also need to choose a time to conduct the ground-breaking ceremony in the most convenient way. Regarding weather factors: you need to monitor the weather and choose a nice day to hold this event.

3. Guests attending the event

Depending on the scale of the event, the number of guests also needs to be considered and selected accordingly. If the event is small-scale, the guests attending the event are major partners, project owners, and the most potential customers. Besides, if the event is larger in scale, you can open additional registration so that people interested in the event and the project can come and find out more information about that project.

4. Estimate organizational costs

The budget estimate for organizing the ground-breaking ceremony event needs to closely follow the event’s existing budget and requires a survey before estimating. Suppose, you want to hire event sound and lighting services, you need to ask for quotes from suppliers, choose a suitable sound and lighting service provider, at an affordable cost best.

Surveying prices in advance helps make budget estimates most accurate, limiting additional costs incurred during the organization and implementation process. However, you still need to budget for an additional risk reserve. This cost is for incidental items not included in the checklist or to handle other risky issues when organizing the event.

5. Event setup

There are 3 important areas to focus on when setting up an event, including:

Entrance area

At the gate area, you can set up an inflatable welcome gate, spread a red carpet leading to the event hall, hang banners, place standees, etc.

Stage area

In the stage area, there needs to be a high platform, hanging backdrops, carpeting, stairs up and down the stage, decorating the stage with balloons, flower baskets, etc. Besides, sound and lighting are also set up to serve the stage. service for event organization. In addition, you also need to prepare additional sand trays to serve the ground-breaking activities.

Guest area

In this area, the organizers need to fully set up seats, tables and chairs for the delegate area, etc. At the same time, the ground also needs to be carpeted to ensure aesthetics. In case of rain, additional rigs need to be set up.

6. Event organization

After everything has been properly set up, the event will take place as scheduled. At that time, all the crew focused on performing their work according to the work assignment and must always follow the event timeline. During the organization, if any problems arise, the departments need to notify the executive for timely direction and handling.

The event organization process takes place according to the following process:

  • Welcome
  • Opening performance of the program
  • Opening speech
  • Introduce guests
  • The investor’s representative distributed the sign
  • Representative of the construction unit issued the sign
  • Representatives of delegates distributed signs
  • Arts program
  • Ground-breaking ceremony
  • Visit the project
  • Organize a party (if any)
  • Close

7. End of event

At the end of the event, the entire crew proceeded to clean up, dismantle furniture, and clean up the scene. After 1-2 days, proceed with acceptance, learn from experience, and finalize all costs. This work is performed by business representatives and event organizers.

HoaBinh Events – One of the professional ground-breaking ceremony organizer

HoaBinh Events is a professional event organizer with experience accumulated over a decade and in-depth knowledge in this field. We are committed to bringing customers the best experiences, including groundbreaking ceremonies and groundbreaking events. We constantly develop human resources with professional training courses to bring customers a successful and smooth ground-breaking event that exceeds expectations. The event is an important one, marking the beginning of a construction project.

We understand that holding a ground-breaking ceremony requires thoughtfulness and care in preparation and organization so that the event goes smoothly and ensures the success of the entire project. Therefore, we always invest carefully and perfect the organization in the best way possible so that the construction project can take place successfully.

The above article is a detailed, ground-breaking ceremony planning sample that HoaBinh Events shares specifically for you. We hope to have the opportunity to accompany and bring a perfect, professional, ground-breaking ceremony event program to your business. For advice and to book a full event organization service, contact us through the hotline at 0939.311.911 – 0913.311.911 for 24/7 support.